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A few years ago, I came to a crossroads in my life, where I desperately wanted to improve my life. After being sick, tired, lonely, sad, insecure, and feeling like a failure for too long, there came a point that I just knew that I absolutely had to change. I was in pain physically, emotionally and spiritually. I knew that if I continued on this train wreck it would not only make me miserable, but my entire family. I didn’t want my kids to be the kind of person that I was, so I started a personal mission: to become the best person I could be and improve myself daily.
This was more than a typical New Year’s Eve Resolution. This was legit. I knew I needed to heal myself, and I began looking up everything I could to start improving myself. It started with my body. I tried dieting, exercising, and looking better. Then it spiraled into every area of my life. I wanted to be healthy, happy, confident, financially independent, have great relationships, improve my love-life, and be the person I wanted my kids to emulate.
Personal improvement has since grown into a bit of an addiction for me.
On the Lookout For Improvement
I don’t know about you, but I am constantly on the look out for ways to improve my life. Personal Development is more than a habit or passion for me, it is a lifestyle. I love learning and growing. I have found that no matter how happy or in love with life I am, it can always get better. Just when I find myself saying, “It just doesn’t get any better than this” it does. I love it. I love that when we have an optimistic outlook on the future, we attract even better things to our lives. (read more about that here: What is the Law of Attraction?) I have learned that thinking, feeling, and believing equal the secret behind manifesting anything that we want.
At first, I didn’t really know where to look to begin. I felt so helpless and pathetic, and truly thought I was a lost cause. However, as I continued to make baby steps in trying to feel better and be better, my improvement started gaining momentum. I soon began getting up earlier than my kids every day, in order to stretch and read while it was still dark and peaceful in the house.
Reading is Crucial To Success
I had always liked reading, but had gotten out of the habit after years of being a mother and not having enough “time” for myself. Instead, I would opt for watching tv or a movie, which was still hard as a mom with constant interruptions and kids being noisy (which often made me feel like I was deaf!). I now prefer reading a good self-help book over a movie any day. It seems so weird to be saying that. I was a Netflix season binger, Hallmark Movie addict, and reality tv fanatic. Now, I prefer to sit in my favorite chair and read for hours on end whenever I get the chance.
Apparently, that puts me in the same category as most of the millionaires and super successful people in the world. Reading absolutely revolutionizes us. It feels great to be learning (things that I choose and am not forced to learn). I love finding new books in the self-help section of the library. Although I now prefer to buy them on Amazon so that I can mark them up, highlight, and use for future references. I have read over 150 books in the last year and a half, and can’t seem to stop myself from buying more! (and not one of them is fiction). I have a lot of favorite books and authors: Darren Hardy, T. Harv Eker, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins, Louise Hay, Abraham Hicks, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, and Bruce Lipton are the first that come to mind (the latest I have been reading). I will post in the near future some book reviews of my absolute favorites. Below are the links to a few of the BEST books to improve your life altogether (in my humble opinion):
From Reader to Writer to Teacher
After a few years of reading every personal development book I could find, I truly feel like I am ready to teach other people what I have learned. I have found that I love writing and sharing the things that have really helped me go from a place of self-loathing to self-love. I finally love myself, without any conditions, and that alone is a HUGE accomplishment. No more depending on my weight or pant size to feel happy. NO more thinking that I have to be perfect to be loved. Gone are my feelings of inferiority or insecurity. I have finally conquered my inner demons and critic and am re-writing my story. I have documented much of my journey so as to help you and give you hope as well.
I have compiled a list of several articles I have written, to help those precious souls out there that are finding it hard to love their lives or themselves. After researching how many people are truly depressed, suicidal, or even just lacking excitement and zest in life, I have felt compelled to share my story and to help as many of them as I can. I want people to know that they don’t have to feel sad or worthless anymore. There is hope and purpose for every single one of us!
Some Articles to Help You on Your Self-Improvement Journey
How to Love Yourself in 5 Simple Steps
I think the title of this article pretty much sums it up- there are super simple and life-changing habits we can start right now to begin feeling better about ourselves and our lives. We don’t have to wait to be happy or to love ourselves.
I wanted to learn how to be happy no matter my size, income, or circumstances. I finally feel that way! Here’s how:
What is Happiness and When Will We Ever Have it?
This is me and my family. I feel this picture adequately describes how I feel about life right now. I feel like the blessings of heaven are constantly falling down upon us in ways that we cannot even count or catch. Even when the going gets rough, I now know how to find joy even on the hardest of days and have learned to look on the bright side and see that all things are happening for my good. I have also learned that I have pretty much everything to do with what happens in my life.
Here is how I do it: How to Love Even the Crappiest of Days
I love being in charge of my emotions and of everything that happens in my life. I really enjoy knowing that I don’t need to blame anyone else for anything that I feel and think- it is all my fault, and if it is all my fault, then I can fix it. What a mind-blowing concept. I am the only one who can control what I feel and think at any given moment, and so are you. NO one else can think or feel anything for you, no matter how hard they try. Here are some articles to help you learn more about this:
What is the Law of Attraction?
I Can See the Future and so Can You
What Passing Judgments About Other People Does to You
I hope that you have enjoyed this post. I think it’s good to have a short little blurb about different things that we’ve written on occasion, so readers can pick and choose what to read and get the best of the best.
What is your favorite thing to do concerning personal development? How do you go about finding time and energy to improve your life each day? Do you think this article helped you in any way? Please comment below and let us know what you are thinking and feeling, we love ot hear from our readers!
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